Am I a Terrorist?
It came to me as a shock when an Apartment owner told me that he is wary about leasing his apartment to me on rent for I came from the state of Jammu & Kashmir. What was more shocking was that the statement came from a resident in Mumbai. I know it is an isolated incident and I need not blow the same out of proportion. The only thought lingering in my mind is that are all Kashmiris terrorists or we have a free license to view every Kashmiri with an eye of suspicion. I was wondering who is being questioned me as an individual or Kashmiris as a community? Why is there a doubt in the mind of people that Kashmiris are separatists and our affiliations lie somewhere else? Are we in a position to say that a Marathi is better than a Kashmiri or a Punjabi is better than a Marathi and so on, which race is superior and which is not?
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