Friday, July 28, 2006

Dream India

I dream of India:-
  • Where Priyadarshinis, Jessicas and many others don’t have to wait for justice.
  • Where one is not fanatic about ones religion but is fanatic about ones Karma.
  • Where men are are born equal, no bias on the basis of caste, creed, colour, region or sex.
  • Where all have access to education, health care, drinking water, food and pure air.
  • Where donkeys don’t rule men.
  • Where people are full of compassion.
  • Where everybody is childlike.
  • Where women are respected for their contribution to our lives.

I ask myself what have I done till now to realize the above dream but alas I have to search for an answer. All I can say is that all along I have been self-obsessed and ego-centric; never thought beyond myself and my problems. I have all along been selfish and I still am one. Am I trying to be a preacher for that I have received some divine gyaan under the Bodhi Tree or in my sleep. Is it that I have become more sensitive and started thinking beyond myself and the bigger problems that plague us and our country? Well, it is neither of the two. The only reason why I am putting all this down in writing is that I have heard that admission makes one feel light; so here I am admitting to my follies. All this while I have been timid to accept this, thinking that I might be an object of ridicule for my near and dear ones. It is high time that I realize that people around have better things to do in life rather than think about nobody like me.

I am a proud Indian, proud of my roots its rich and vibrant culture & heritage, values and above all the diversity. I believe and believe so very strongly that ours is a divine land created out of some divine intervention, I don’t want to sound chauvinistic nor do I want to belittle the other lands spread across the globe. I say so because the diversity in terms of culture, religion, language found here is unparallel and yet there is something that binds us together as a nation. The legacy left behind by our forefathers is richer than all the gold in the Solomon mines.

It seems that we are moving away from our glorious past, it no way means that we need to stick to our past but what I mean is that our actions need to be in tune with the Indian philosophy and ethos. It is tragic to see that our nation is plagued by violence, hatred, communal tension and many more. It is ironic that the land of saints and sages who have taught the world the lessons of non-violence is faced with all these troubles. Ours would be a much better country minus all these problems. We have the potential to be the greatest country in the world and for that we as a land of billion people need to make a concerted effort. What is lacking a bit more sensitivity and compassion? We need to come out of our egoistic moulds and spend a few minutes thinking about others, provide a helping hand to others. Most importantly spending most of the time in introspection, thinking how one can help build a better India.


At 12:40 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

May all your wishes come true :-)

At 12:54 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

May all your wishes come true
-Noor :-)

At 9:23 pm, Blogger Mohit Kaul said...

Dear Noor,
It is just more than a wish. I hope I am able to do my bit in realizing a better India; India which is more tolerant, less fanatic and chauvinistic. India where people don't have to spend their lifetime seeking justice, where people have a roof over their heads and food to eat. Where children don't have to work on the streets to make two ends meet, where every child has an equal opportunity to go to a school. India which is more tolerant to the environment and eco-system.

At 6:51 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And mohit,if i may ask you how are you contributing to make India a better nation ?????? Or even from your standpoint what have you done till now to realize all your dreamz about India,Our Nation ????:):)

At 10:49 pm, Blogger Mohit Kaul said...

I have been thinking of my contribution to my nation and I can’t think of any. I must have come up with thousands of ways in which I thought that I have contributed to my land selflessly but one serious thought and I end up rejecting them all. My definition of service to the nation is very simple “something done without any fear or force, by one’s free will and with no return in mind”. None of my actions have been able to stand the above logic. I thought that I contribute to the nation by paying taxes, but unfortunately I pay them just because the government forces me to pay them otherwise I would not have spent a penny. Is this a service to the nation? In my opinion, it is not it is more a fear of getting on the wrong side of the law. In short, I pay taxes for fear of being put behind the bars rather than paying them willingly. So you see it really isn’t a contribution. I am just one black-hole that gobbles up everything but throws up nothing.

I realize that I am just another self-centered guy but I definitely have something on my mind to make amends in my own small way. I hope that it works.

At 5:20 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You arnt any "black-hole" mohit nor are you self-centered. The first step to doing something is realizing that you are supposed to do it ! And there you go ! You have already realized what you should do ! So half the battle is won!
As far as what you want to do for OUR NATION is ofcourse entirely your choice . And though i am no-one to preach anything,yet i want to tell u something here .A lot People might tell you that what youv done is insignificant and that you are wasting your time but dont stop .Every little thing that you as an individual would do is very significant and each such act counts !
Maybe there's someone watching ! Who knows !
~ Noor :-)

At 10:03 pm, Blogger Mohit Kaul said...

Thanks a lot for encouragement. There is a lot that I feel and what to do; the only thing that is stopping me the courage and conviction to walk upon that path.

PS:- You have been a regular on my blog and take an active interest in what I write and at times you even question what I pen down and it actually forces me to think and think hard. Thanks a lot. I have a small request apart from commenting on whatever I write, will you oblige by writing to me on anything you feel like. I know it is a very stupid request. But I feel sahring more with you about the various things that I feel and that bother me and I am sure that there are certain issues about which you feel the same way.

At 1:50 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear mohit,
For the moment i think the best place to discuss anything is your blog.As far as me sending you something written by me, i dont think that'll be soon.I am a very lazy person and i dont feel like penning down :-)
I am glad that what i tell you makes you think "honestly".Thats what my intention is! There are certain things i want you to realize( i dont know why). But at the same time I always dont want you to agree with whatever i say.
Ummmm,i want to tell you something again.And this time I really want you to give it an honest honest thought.
Mohit, people ,thoughts,everything we ever want ,is around us.We as humans have everything we want around us. What we "lack" is "an eye to see it" .What we lack is an eye to recognize it . We are endlessly chasing things we dont have. "WE ALWAYS WANT THINGS THAT WE DONT HAVE". I fail to understand this endless desire to possess things we dont have.We get so blinded in that mad chase that we ignore the things that we have ,even people ,even our closest friends .We get so blinded that we stop appreciating the people we have in our life . We take our friends so much for granted that we always ignore the important "hidden things" that they tell us (which are not explicitly stated by them).Maybe they say it very casually.Maybe they cant express themselves .
Or Maybe u have put a deaf ear to them .Sometimes we are so engrossed in maintaing our own self image that we dont even want to listen to the other person ,no matter how hard the other person tries to put across something to us .
You know what is the best part about blogging.It is that unknown people ,we'v not seen can put each other's thoughts across. Maybe if you knew me, you wouldnt have even read my comments.
"Faces take away the identity of thoughts".
I see its been long since you have written a new blog.Why dont you write one soon. Ummmm, maybe you can write on something that has been on your mind lately.If youd ask me,I would have wanted you to write on something very very silly.I would have wanted you to write on something that comes to your thoughts, but you would want to write about it,because you think it’s a “silly” thought to be on your mind. Dont worry about what people will think about you .
Your msg -"Thanks a lot for encouragement. There is a lot that I feel and what to do; the only thing that is stopping me the courage and conviction to walk upon that path"-your msg.
Mohit, its not the courage and conviction that you are lacking .What you are lacking is "making up your mind" . Everything is within you and only you, all you have to do is, act on what u feel.When we carry out what we feel,only then they become actions. So now stop searching further,you have found what you wanted ,its time to act .Whatever is there in your mind, just do it.Just go for it !!!!!What is life without any risks anyways.And as the saying goes" ALLS WELL THAT ENDS WELL".Its not the start ,its the end that defines everything.You just have to start.And who will u do all this for ? Not for anyone else.You are doing all this for yourself,and when you do this,you are NOT being selfish.Whatever you will do will not fetch you any material gains. What it will fetch you is "peace with yourself" and a feeling of happiness that no other thing on earth can .
Isnt it the unpredictabilty of a day that makes it worth living ? Do the things you always had on your mind, but have never done them. Its never too late .Just dont bother,do what your heart tells you to do.Just follow your heart,and you will see you will never repent anything in life.
Waiting for your new blog !!
~Noor :-)

At 2:14 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey mohit,If i have to send you a writing,how will I do that ?
~ Noor :-)

At 8:12 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I cant send you anything
~ Noor

At 11:23 pm, Blogger Mohit Kaul said...

Dear Noor,
You can mail it to me at

Well, I have been doing some thinking over the weekend and I will be posting about the way I feel, the thoughts that run in my mind and all that.....I know for sure that it is something that will be dark...

At 4:40 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear mohit,
I will write to you soon.
~Noor :-)

At 5:30 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear mohit,
Have mailed you on your mail-id .
~ Noor:-)

At 11:54 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can anyone tell me what are we doing collectively to make this dream come true. Does writing long paragraphs solve the objective of this blog.Don't you think it needs some action ?



At 6:03 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You say our country would have been better without problems like viloence, hatred etc... but tell me which nation is not plagued by all such problems and yet they have come up brilliantly.

The problem lies with the attitude and the mindset of people here.

This is not the the India of the Indians in the diaspora, whose idea of their homeland remains bound to ossified conceptions of Indian religion & tradition.

- S

At 10:41 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You talk about "Karma".Tell me, how many people think about it when a crime is done.Do you think killer's of Priyadarshin 's and Jessica's don't believe in Karma.Absolutely they believe and that's the reason they walk away with any kind of offence.

Are we effectively doing anything to reslove such issues.No..because the best that we can do is "Debate" .

I ask you..If you really feel pained about it..can you come out and protest against the system or would you prefer to be a part of it like a mute spectator.



At 10:56 pm, Blogger Mohit Kaul said...

Dear Kiran,
First of all thanks a lot for stopping by my page and actually going through it and commenting on the same.

Personally, I found it a very insensitive remark when you wanted to know what I have been doing about my country. Kiran, I admit that I haven't done much for my country and my people but then it is better late than never. The past essentially doesn't determine the present and the future. My present contribution to my motherland may be miniscule but at the same time I don't want to talk about it at this point of time because I feel that it will be a bit too early. I don't want to be a mute spectator either and nor do I intend to sit back, write and sermonize.
I can't speak for the other people whether they believe in Karma theory, I believe more than Karma, it is the loop-holes in our system that they get away with their heinous crimes. I am talking about the system on the whole and it doesn't include only our judiciary and police. It is me, you and everybody else who are a part of the system and the people who get on the other end of the law of the land are amongst us only. We have no right to put blame on somebody else when people like me and you are equally responsible, it is a different story that we don't want to share that blame. Trust me if we all recognise our responsibilities and duties, India will definitely be Dream India, whose vague idea I have in my mind.

Warm Regards,

At 11:02 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Mohit,

First of all, thanks for commenting on my blog.

I completely agree with you but i am not being insensitive.My intention is to bring forth the kind of attitude people of our country developed over the period of time.We know our system is heading towards a senseless direction yet some people in our country like you and many others who think on the same lines want to do something and do not want keep their contributon limited.

As rightly said by you,we need to identify our responsibilites and duties and then India can become Dream India...but again the question comes back to us..HOW?
Can a miniscule approach from people like you and perhaps me bring a spark in the entire system. Perhaps, we need to illuminate the entire nation.



At 11:28 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

May all your wishes come true :-)

At 7:29 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

First of all ! Hi mohit ! Ur blog seems to be really thot provoking :-)! Here goes the 20th comment !
Second, here I take ur permission (well a forced permission) to comment NOT on your blog but on some other comments on this blog . I hope u wud pardon me for the same :-) ! Having said this ,I must also add that it is a public forum and I have the Right to Speech :-) !In the first instance I thot I would not comment on it till u comment , but tried I as much to resist myself I cudnt , cuz I found some of the comments on your blog very random , lacking any logic and backed without any facts and that too about my nation ,India . I HAD TO COMMENT .
I am not here to hurt anyone’s personal opinion . Im just here to present another perspective of how things can actually be .
Some say that it is the “ mindset and the attitude of the Indians” while others say that Our Country is “heading towards a senseless direction” . Really ??????????
What I don’t understand is that what makes us even say that ????? There was “MY INDIA” that was “SELF-SUFFICIENT ” 100 yrs back . We were “Happy” in the truest sense of the word . We were an economically self-sufficient and an emotionally happy land . Then SOME PEOPLE CAME AND RAVAGED IT INTO THE BITS THAT WE ARE STILL TRYING TO PUT TOGETHER .
Comments like the “ mindset and the attitude of the Indians” and “Our Country is heading towards a senseless direction” only shows how insensitive we can be towards the endless Contributions being made by the ancestors of this Country and also those people who still are contributing towards it , people who don’t go around beating drums but do their part in silence . What do u think of those thousands and thousands soldiers who sit on the vast expanse of snow where all they can see is the white stretch of monotony of snow only in a silent fear that anytime a bullet might go right into them ???????? What about those people in Delhi who faced the bomb-blasts during the Diwali /Id time .??????What about those people who faced the bomb-blasts in Mumbai ???????? What about those people in Kashmir who live in fear everyday ??????? What about those people who faced riots in Gujarat ????????????To add to it is nature –the rains washing away it all . Yes, it’s the “attitude of the Indians” , and you know what is that attitude ? WE INDIANS WILL NOT BE DEFEATED ,COME WHAT MAY .
These comments only show that – we want a “ready made” India…….India where everything is perfect . No nation is perfect .If India is facing some problems , so are the others countries ( the problems that we cannot obviously even think of) . u see “Grass is Always Greener on the other side” . It is when we are a Citizen of another country or even happen to live in other country for a long time, only then do we come to know of the endless problems that the other country is facing. Till then everythings an apple-pie .
India wudv been a much much better place to be in had we were not being exploited time and again . It only takes some thinking and sensitivity on our part . We are still recovering from that horrible damage being done to our Country . Still for the best part of it , we have come a long way . A new born baby is given its entire life to be everything that its supposed to be and sometimes that is also not enough . India is a nation with millions of people, diversities and the problems that come with it . For Gods sake give it time .
As far as “India going into a senseless direction” . What senseless direction are we talking about ??????? As far as my knowledge goes and as far as the facts state - India is one of the leading Competitors in the world market . Why do u think an Indian student is given preference over other foreign students ??????? Why do u think there are so many MNCs being set up in India ????? Why do u think Indian employees get an opportunity of Foreign Projects ?????????? Why do u think there is so much of outsourcing and India is their Target ?????? Im sure its not because we are a lousy lot who are running in a senseless direction . What is important is that HOW WE NOT LET FOREIGNERS EXPLOIT US (the mistake that we did years back) What is important is that HOW WE USE SUCH OPPORTUNITIES FOR OUR BENEFITS .
We Indians are a breed that is intelligent , that is diligent and that is so congenial . We can match anything whtsoever that comes our way and when I say that im not just talking illogically , im talking facts . Im proud of what we are ……..and I know so will the rest millions of people agree with me .All we need is time , to get up and fight back , to repair the damage that had been done to us . Having said this …rnt we already fighting back !!!!!
“ We want a spark in the entire nation ” . But wait !!!! Are we wanting that “spark” OVERNIGHT ??????? Is so, nothing happens overnight .
The attitude of a miniscule approach cannot bring sparks in the nation . And who said so ??????? Illumination ??????? Who are we and what power do we have illuminate the whole nation ??????? If you said we have the power , you are right , cuz we do !!!!
“ A miniscule approach cannot bring spark in the nation” . From my childhood days till now……..everytime I wanted to do something for someone else , someone who was less priviledged than me …….but I was discouraged by saying “ Your contribution is minuscule, it wudnt do any good , what we need is an entire nation waking up to it” . I wish , I only wish nobody had discouraged me then . If I could even make the life then a single child better , “India wudv been a better place by 0.1%) “ For some people this contribution is negligible and hence miniscule and hence irrelevant .What we don’t realize that if each individual like me wud contribute like that - we wud have contribute to the whole nation . Each insignificant individual like me makes our society and hence our nation . No but y wud we do so , we want to wake up the entire nation altogether !!!!! which I must state is a fallacy .
We are not Mahatma Gandhi , neither are we Swami Vivekananda . We are not , because all we can do is talk . Because if we knew who Mahatma Gandhi or who Vivekananda was , we would also know that they were SINGLE INDIVIDUALS who made a difference . Im sure we all know that the way they contributed wasn’t overnight . When they had started they were ALONE . They were single people who contributed to our nation in their own SMALL way .They were people whoz contribution was regarded as “minuscule “ by the rest of the country . They were being discouraged . But the difference was that – THEY STILL PERSISTED inspite of the endless obstructions that came their way .
You know what we lack ???? We lack the sensitivity of giving the “little encouragement” when we want to do those little things in our own way . If we have the right encouragement at the right place ,trust me we can do wonders ! But its sad to see that people are still discouraged by saying that “their contribution wud be minuscule” .
“We need to identify our responsibilites and duties and then India can become Dream India...but again the question comes back to us..HOW? Can a miniscule approach from people like you and perhaps me bring a spark in the entire system. Perhaps, we need to illuminate the entire nation.” The question that how we can identify our responsibilities and duties , simply signifies that we haven’t done our homework . We are talking about making differences in the nation but we still don’t know how to do it ??????????? When we don’t know how to do it , how can we even turn them into actions ??????? Writing long blogs and debating does help……….because it helps us communicate clearly with ourselves and with others (Which is a very important aspect) . That is the first step. After writing blogs and debating the next step is to devote atleast an hour as to what steps should we take to achieve our objective . We don’t need to look for a BIGGGGG CAUSE . All I can say is - Remember “Charity begins at home” .YES A MINISCULE APPROACH FROM PEOPLE LIKE YOU , ME AND US AND IN TURN “EVERYBODY” – THAT CONTRIBUTES TO BEING THE ENTIRE NATION WILL BRING THAT CHANGE . Remember every drop in the ocean counts . The third step is to put those steps into action .

As far as illuminating the entire nation .Trust me , we all Indians are an intelligent breed .We have a mind of our own . We don’t need any “illumination” . What we need is an “EXAMPLE” . If you are “The one” to set that example , do it . Setting an example inculcates making a lot of sacrifices (if I can use the word sacrifice) . But I don’t think it’s the word “sacrifice” because when u want to something out of ur own will that isn’t called a sacrifice .Its called a “contribution” . Set an example for US . Set an example for the rest of us . And trust me u can start with ur minuscule contributions . If you think , people won’t notice you doing those little contributions , you are wrong .People notice us , when we think they arnt watching . Be a source of inspiration for the rest of us .SET AN EXAMPLE AND WE WILL FOLLOW YOU .
~Noor .

At 3:31 am, Blogger Mohit Kaul said...

Dear Kiran and Noor,

We often talk about the lousy and the apathetic attitude developed by us. Who is this "us", it is people like me, you and many more like us. Recently I was going through Mahatma Gandhi's autobiography, where he says that one has to be the change if one wants that change to happen in the real life. The biggest misfortune that we as a nation of billion face is low self-belief. There is this Chinese saying,"A journey of thousand miles starts with a single step". Sounds very filmy and sort of bookish but trust me it is true. When I wrote this blog, I thought that I am the only one who thinks this way but the very fact that you visited my blog, read it and put your comments shows that there are many others who too share the same concerns. Maybe we disagree on a few approaches, thoughts etc but I guess we share the same vision for our birthland.
I feel that we all need to start in our own small way and trust me there will be many others who'll be there, appreciate your work and at the same time provide you with a helping note. There is no need for us to start on the pessimistic note. Let's be optimistic and hope that we too play a small part in the building of India, which is better, stronger and more sensitive to others and to the people living in it.


At 11:15 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Noor,

First of all, thanks for going through my blog.I am really happy to see i can make people come out with their best and criticise me about my ideology. Thanks again as i believe ..Criticism can help me correct my shortcomings.

Trust me, i can understand your concern towards our nation but i feel you have taken the comments too personally.I respect your concerns and ideology but at the same time i must not fail to admit that words like "senseless" and "illumination" have not been used against our nation.It's about the "PEOPLE,their ATTITUDE, and their APPROACH".

Hope to c some more posts from you.



At 6:45 am, Blogger Mohit Kaul said...

Kiran, I couldn't hold back myself from commenting on what you wrote. Ideally Noor ought to reply since it is for her but I am breaking the tradition.

I disagree with you when you separate India from its people, who live here and call this country as their motherland. Their forefathers lived here and so will their children.

We talk about the historical grandeur of our nation. Was this past something that India received in a gift? No it did not, the rich legacy that we are talking about is because of the blood and toil of our ancestors who wanted to leave something that their descendants would cherish for centuries to come. I can't swallow the fact that a piece of land without people can become a great nation. When I refer to India as a nation, I am referring to the people from all walks of life, religion, race, creed and sex. I am referring to a heterogenous lot but still homogenous in a sense that we may follow different religions,different customs and cultures,still we are one as a nation.


At 10:32 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I don't believe in justifications but i can see am being accused of not using my logic, mind...etc etc...

Better need to clarify myself before it's too late.

First of all, i think blog is a platform for healthy criticism and not for accusing someone for speaking his/ her mind.

Secondly, I m not separating India from it's people .I am trying to highlight the darker side of the same coin, which does not mean i hate my countrymen, my nation and devalue / disrespect the efforts that have gone in to make our country a rich cultural heritage.

I am equally patriotic as you both are.I value and respect my nation's heritage, it's ancestors,their hard work,but at the same time there is a harsh reality which exists and cannot be denied by anyone ...taking bribes, raping and murdering innocent people, corruption, communal violence, sensless bloodbath etc...can we ignore/ overlook this.
This is also a part of my country and it's happening in present times and if we can do something collectively is what i wanted to say.I meant, can our miniscule contribution at our own level be upgraded to a higher level with a little team effort but I am very sorry to say , this sentence of mine was dissected millions of times and presented in a different form, although it was never intended. Accepted, people have different views but i think,it went too far as i don't like to comment personlly on someone whom you don't know.

I may sound illogic but i see the my country where it stands today.I am doing my best that i can do for it and don't need to set examples for anybody as i don't believe in idolism.Why does sn individual need someone to guide him.Basic understanding about good and evil is enough to start our journey and that doesn't require any homework.

Set your own path.....and don't wait world to follow u, that's my life mantra.

I am not here to agree or disagree as i was also trying to represent the same aspect but under a different perspective.

Lastly,thanks to you and especially Noor who has been extremely important member of this blog for understanding your subject so closely.

Time has come to bid adieu to you guys..!!

Hve a gr8 time buddies.



At 12:39 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear kiran,
Its said timing is very important………and when I say this…I mean this……I was going to post a comment lastnite but somehow I cudnt……….i wish I had…………this was the comment I was writing “Dear Kiran, First of all I would like to mention again…………..if u remember on my earlier comment “I purposely mentioned” that im not being specific about anyone (and that im not here to criticize anyone)……..but to put forward my feelings (which happened to be contrary to yours) . My comment was directed not only on ur comment specifically…………but on other comments on this blog too about the people ,and their attitude . My comment would have been the same if the name would have been something else other than “kiran” …….and hence “your” idealogy . If u still want to use the words “criticize” and “shortcomings”……. I can do nothing about it. If u only understood that people are different and that all of us have different thought process ……and if u respect their thots which are different from yours and allowed them also to put forward their thoughts……..u wudnt have used the word “criticize” and shortcomings neither have u thot that anyone is criticizing u . We are all here to put forwad the way we feel………and noone is here to criticize anyone…….or for that matter point out anyone’s shortcomings . This is a platform for discussion where people are bound to have different opinions …..we cant expect everyone to have the same opinion about everything…….neither can we expect others to agree with us everytime .Trust me i dont know u and i have nothing against you .
Only if u understood my concern about my nation……… would have understood that my comments are personal too …………………………” This is the incomplete comment that I wrote lastnight but cudnt post . But incomplete as it is ,im posting it now.
So u see kiran………….we both agree…………that people have different thots and we shud allow them to express the same . And we shud respect the same without thinking that someone is out to criticize our idealogy . Kiran like u expressed ur thots , shudnt we have the same way to express our thots .Kiran we dont even know each other………….and so the question of criticizing or accusing doesn’t come in the first place . Sincerely I really don’t understand why do u feel im criticizing u or pointing out ur short-comings or even for that matter trying to put u down .
“”Lastly,thanks to you and especially Noor who has been extremely important member of this blog for understanding your subject so closely.”” – ur msg
Kiran , “your subject (that is mohit’s subject) ???? I thot the subject was “INDIA” . I don’t think it was mohit’s subject alone……….i think it was OUR subject………………all of ours ,which was INDIA………from when did the subject become mohit’s subject . As far as me commenting………..i express my views not only on mohit’s blog…………….but on the innumerable blogs of other people who blog on the net ………….and who write about India and other things .
Kiran ,your opinion and contribution is as valuable to us,to all of us ,trust me it is . Heard of that story about the twigs ……… three twigs r stronger than two twigs . I thot we were a team who feel for our nation . Ok it might sound very very silly and filmy too(but true as it is) but I don’t mind being silly, if this is how I can make things clear. A movie of our generation – Lagaan ,Rang de Basanti(to give u an example) . These movies help us understand that people have different opinion ,they even feel different for their nation .But what is important is that we FEEL FOR OUR NATION. What is important is that WE STAY TOGETHER AS ONE AND FIGHT BACK . Kiran ,Let me ask u………….when u see something done not as the way u want it to be , wht do u do ???? U back out and bid good-bye just cuz people don’t agree with u……………………..or u stay and fight back ??????????????????????????????
~Noor .

At 1:26 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear kiran,
This is my second comment……….and I have a sincere request to make to you……….please don’t think I am criticizing you……………they are just my thots………….and I would look forward to your thots too . Mayb if I change my name from noor to something else ……….it wud be better………mayb then u wudnt think that “noor” is criticizing “kiran” .
“”I may sound illogic but i see the my country where it stands today.I am doing my best that i can do for it and don't need to set examples for anybody as i don't believe in idolism.Why does an individual need someone to guide him.Basic understanding about good and evil is enough to start our journey and that doesn't require any homework.”” – ur msg .
I found ur comment a bit contrasting . U mentioned earlier that a minuscule contribution on an individual level wudnt do that good ,wht we need is an illumination . Now ur saying that an individual shudnt need anyone to guide him and that a basic understanding abt good and evil is enough to start the journey . If an individual doesn’t need to be guided , then who do we need to illuminate kiran .So Then we fly back to the point that a minuscule contribution on an individual level is all that we need not an illumination .Having said this , Kiran ,all I am is confused and I need somebody which is u in this case to help me out of the confusion . I really hope u wud help me do the same .Looking forward to it :-)
And on a more lighter note………….im changing my name from “noor” to “ritika” . So from now on its not noor ….its ritika .From now on i will write as ritika .
~ ritika :-)

At 6:13 am, Blogger Mohit Kaul said...

Dear Kiran,
I assure you that I never intended to launch a personal tirade against you and your thinking. I may differ with your opinions but that doesn't give me any right to accuse you or doubt your feelings for the nation. I have no second thoughts about the fact that you are equally concerned about our nation like many others, but when you wrote,"I respect your concerns and ideology but at the same time i must not fail to admit that words like "senseless" and "illumination" have not been used against our nation.It's about the "PEOPLE,their ATTITUDE, and their APPROACH"." I could not imagine that you are segregating people from a land mass and that's precisely why I said that land without people is no good.

One more thing, this is something that I am talking out of my personal experience and trust me I don't hold anything against you. When you say that we don't need idols, I agree to you to some extent but still we end up idolising someone or the other. Why do we do so? Do we want to continue the work that one's idol has done or we want to do it better. I feel it is none, from my personal experience I idolise a couple of people not because they have done some path-breaking work, my idols are common people and they may pass through as another face in the land of billion people. What I really idolise about them is their qualities and I wish I could imbibe those qualities and traits, it will help me in being a better person, a better man, an asset to the society and the nation.


At 4:28 am, Blogger A Soul In Exile said...

Only if wishes were horses...

-All the best

A soul in Exile...

At 2:50 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aye mere pyare watan, aye mere bichade chaman, tujhpe dil kurbaan...

Jai Hind.


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