Monday, June 05, 2006


I admit that 'Agneepankh' is an unusual name for a blog of this kind. I also admit that it's a Hindi translation of "Wings of Fire" by Dr Kalam. At times this title has been a laughing matter, people can't really associate this name with this blog. I adopted the name for I consider Dr Kalam as my idol, this one of the reasons but not the only reason.
Agneepankh is about dreams, imagination and creativity . It is about the fire in the belly that drives man to create wonders. It is about doing unthinkable, stretching oneself to the limits. It is about human endeavour to bring to life those dreams. This blog is for myself, my frustrations, my joys, sorrows, feelings,desires and other emotions that I go through. Whatever little creativity or imagination I posses, I try to express it in words through this blog. And that is Agneepankh.


At 1:19 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi.....ummmm.....i dint quite understand the name "agneepankh" being the matter of joke.Anyways must be some jokes that frnds come up with im sure!!!!Frnds are supposed to do that:-):-)!!!!
I dont have any idea about Abul Kalam's "The wings of fire".......but agneepankh sounds good!!!
I was searching through the net when i came across this bolg named "agneepankh" and thats how i stopped to read it.I had really liked the name.
Well as i said i dont know about"The wings of fire".....but "agneepankh" sounds like a name given to a fighter plane......(i dont know if u know but there used to be a tv serial on DD-1 called "Udaan"). "Agneepankh sounds like a fighter plane.....all mighty....all powerful....focused on flying.....but the destination unkown!!!!!Its like a free bird unchained......flying into the unseen !!!!!


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